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  • Writer's pictureScrambledAlps

What Does "Wild Sherpas" Mean?

Updated: Jan 30

The story behind our name is not one of late-night sessions with branding gurus. Here's the inspiration: a Kawasaki Super Sherpa. These single-cylinder, dual-sport bikes are pretty rare in Europe but popular in Japan. I bought this bike for my son and found it excellent for getting around locally or scrambling in the hills.

When we learned Royal Enfield's engine on the new Himalayan 450 is named "Sherpa," that sealed the deal. As an aside, as we developed the branding, we came across Motorcycle Sherpas; these guys are based in the Himalayas and offer big badass tours worth checking out.

Kawasaki Super Sherpa inspired the Wild Sherpa brand.
A Kawasaki Super Sherpa, 249cc of inspiration.

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